A private organisation is using large posters of Mother Teresa, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden to teach the residents of Mexico City good civic manners. An organisation, "Get committed for your City", has put up these posters in various parts of the city, showing the famous personalities giving directives to the residents. The posters and the messages have been designed keeping in tune with the personalities. For example, Mother Teresa appears on a poster with a globe and urges the city residents to not pay bribes to police officers and officials. Saddam's image has been used to caution the residents on traffic chaos: "Don''t park in the second lane, you will cause chaos," his admonition says. "Who else needs to tell you this, so that you will do it?" The campaign aims at motivating residents to obey the laws of civic life - for example, to stop at red lights, to take heed of pedestrians and bikers and carry out other small actions that make life in a city more civilised. Results of the two-year-long campaign are however not obvious. The organisation also has plans to use images of US President George W Bush and Germany's holocaust dictator Adolf Hitler.
In Indien scheint die Nachricht auf Grund der Erscheinungsuhrzeiten der dortigen Zeitungswebseiten noch nicht durch eine neue ersetzt worden zu sein... denn die einzige andere Quelle, die ich finden konnte, die jetzt (siehe timestamp) noch nicht den Weg allen Irdischen gegangen ist, war die "Hindustan Times"...
Ansonsten ist die "42" in "142" eigentlich selbsterklärend genug - oder? ;-)
Nein, keine Idee. Sondern ein yahoo-news-Resultat
Oct. 19, 2005
A private organisation is using large posters of Mother Teresa, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden to teach the residents of Mexico City good civic manners. An organisation, "Get committed for your City", has put up these posters in various parts of the city, showing the famous personalities giving directives to the residents. The posters and the messages have been designed keeping in tune with the personalities. For example, Mother Teresa appears on a poster with a globe and urges the city residents to not pay bribes to police officers and officials. Saddam's image has been used to caution the residents on traffic chaos: "Don''t park in the second lane, you will cause chaos," his admonition says. "Who else needs to tell you this, so that you will do it?" The campaign aims at motivating residents to obey the laws of civic life - for example, to stop at red lights, to take heed of pedestrians and bikers and carry out other small actions that make life in a city more civilised. Results of the two-year-long campaign are however not obvious. The organisation also has plans to use images of US President George W Bush and Germany's holocaust dictator Adolf Hitler.
Quelle: India Daily
In Indien scheint die Nachricht auf Grund der Erscheinungsuhrzeiten der dortigen Zeitungswebseiten noch nicht durch eine neue ersetzt worden zu sein... denn die einzige andere Quelle, die ich finden konnte, die jetzt (siehe timestamp) noch nicht den Weg allen Irdischen gegangen ist, war die "Hindustan Times"...
Ansonsten ist die "42" in "142" eigentlich selbsterklärend genug - oder? ;-)